EBDOG on behalf of all Local Authorities is seeking information on SEND place planning to establish the models and methodology being used across England and to hopefully identify best practice in order that there is a more uniform approach to assessing and projecting the need coming forward. To assist us with this task, we would be grateful if you could respond to the following questions
o Please confirm your LA, and contact details of person responding –
o Do you have a model for SEND place planning ?
o Can you provide a description of the methodology and assumptions used?
o Are you willing to share this information as part of a nation wide collection and data assessment?
o What are the headline/strategic findings of your place planning assessment/projections so far?
The findings of this exercise will be shared and discussed with the DfE Policy team, in order that we can all gain a better understanding of the demand moving forward and how the need will be met.
Any help you can give, will be greatly appreciated. Please send all responses to GCheal@swindon.gov.uk no later than 31 July 2018.