We are excited to announce that Suffolk County Council will be hosting this year’s EBDOG conference.
The conference will be held on Thursday 9th June at The Apex, Bury St Edmunds.
Registration starts at 08:30. Booking for delegates and sponsors has already begun and places are quickly filling up.
Please use one of the following links to make your booking if you are a delegate or company looking to sponsor the event:
Delegate Booking – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ebdogsignup
Sponsor Booking – www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/suffolkebdog
For further information regarding delegate fees, the agenda plus general information and a list of local hotels please visit the 2016 Conference in our Document Centre using the link below – https://ebdog.org.uk/documents/
Please contact Iain Maxwell (iain.maxwell@suffolk.gov.uk) or Gavin Turner (gavin.turner@suffolk.gov.uk) for further information.