Special Provision Capital Fund – Deadline March 2018

Special Provision Capital Fund - Deadline March 2018

Published: Tue 13th March 2018


Local authorities must ensure there are sufficient good school places for all pupils, including those with SEN and disabilities. The Government has committed £215 million1 of capital funding to help local authorities create new school places and improve existing facilities for children and young people with SEN and disabilities, in consultation with parents and providers.


The DfE require local authorities to complete and publish a short plan that sets out how they intend to invest their allocation, which is visible to parents, carers and other local groups. The plan for local authorities’ SEND capital provision allocations should sit coherently with their wider plan. The deadline is approaching for Local Authorities to publish the results of their consultations 

Local Authority allocations and the template to publish can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/send-provision-capital-funding-for-pupils-with-ehc-plans.

LAs need to publish the template on your Local Offer webpage by 14th March 2018.

Published: Tue 13th March 2018